During difficult times, it is common to feel overwhelmed by negative emotions, which often leads to overlooking the positive aspects
of the situation. Nevertheless, practicing gratitude can help an individual to attain a good life and it will also increase the appreciation of thankfulness in one’s life. Gratitude is a positive emotion that can enhance one’s physical and mental health by accepting what one has at the present moment, and being able to remain optimistic about one’s future.
Our mission at L.I.F.E. is to reduce burnout and suicide rates of those working in the healthcare industry through education, awareness, and support. So, by practicing gratitude you can reduce the mental pressure and also handle the overwhelming feelings.
According to an article by Joshua Brown and Joel Wong, gratitude has positive changes on our brains. They write, “when people felt more grateful, their brain activity was distinct from brain activity related to guilt and the desire to help a cause”. This shows that through practicing gratitude, people start to appreciate the goodness in life. Here are some highlights from the article:
Expressing gratefulness to people and things can help you ruminate negative thoughts
Individuals who are grateful are more attentive to how they express gratitude
It may seem like a lot of work to reach that level of gratitude, but it actually is the simplest thing that you can do to bring positive changes into your life. Here are some examples from Harvard Medical School of practicing gratitude and the importance behind it:
Thank-you note: Appreciating and expressing gratitude for others can help you look at things in a positive light. Moreover, write the note to yourself too! You are also deserving of that appreciation and gratefulness.
Gratitude Journal: Writing down what you are grateful for can help you visualize and be grateful for the blessings in your life everyday.
Count your blessings: Every once in a while, think and reflect on your blessings and how it made you feel at that moment. Count all the good things that have happened to you to see the positive situations in your life.
Meditate: Quiet your mind to live in the present moment without worrying about the future. Mindfulness meditation helps in focusing on what you are grateful for.
Meditation Challenge
We challenge you to give meditation a try, and see how different you feel and navigate the negative thoughts. Maybe it can be a small change like feeling less burdened, or just feeling grateful for the little things and people in our lives. Here’s a meditation video you can try out on your own: 5 Minute Guided Meditation for Gratitude / Mindful Movement. It just takes five minutes from your daily routine every day. Let us know how the experience goes and how it enriches your life.
Brown, J. B. J., & Wong, J. W. J. (n.d.). How gratitude changes you and your brain. Greater Good. Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_gratitude_changes_you_and_your_brain
Giving thanks can make you happier. Harvard Health. (2021, August 14). Retrieved November 16, 2022, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/giving-thanks-can-make-you-happier